Behind the Scenes
European Energy
European Energy

Sam and I landed in Naples grabbed a small car and drove a few hours over the mountains to the eastern side of Southern Italy.

The brief was simple. Create images surrounding the solar parks that show the area to be accessible and welcoming. 

We had already decided that horse riding was definitely a shot that allowed a natural interaction with the farmlands. Dogs also came with the package and were great to have around. They did have a real interest in the drone though!

I used my Fujifilm GFX which was recently purchased. It is a bliss to use after years of struggles with my Phase One. Especially the focus. Taking photographs has become enjoyable again. Concentrating on whats important - not the technical details. 

Getting height apart from the drone was also important. Of course we had to find a way to move the ladder from one side of the park to the other. :-)

General Studio / PG23
Polhemsgatan 23
11230 Stockholm
+46 73 7781227